December 20th marks the 9 year anniversary of the disappearance of Her Grace Yamuna Devi Dasi. As a tribute to Yamuna Devi and her service to Srila Prabhupada we have put together this podcast as an offering. Yamuna Devi is such an exalted Vaishnavi who has left an indelible impression on ISKCON. Her devotion is both admirable and instructive. By following her example we can build an even stronger society of encouragement, support and love which will spread Krsna consciousness even farther and help us all achieve the goals of self-realization and ultimately Krsna prema.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to this humble offering. We hope that through it you will gain better insight into the depth of Yamuna Devi’s contributions and be inspired to offer your own! LISTEN NOW!
Please visit krishnamagic.com to access video and audio recordings, purchase Yamuna’s book and learn even more about her.
Have you ever wanted to be a DJ, talk show host, or podcaster? Do you think you have a good voice and would like to use it? Do you like to set a mood with music and organize playlists? Do you have audio experience, or even just good organizational skill, an interest to promote the station and it's vision, an interest to develop and research innovative content. If so, this station could be an opportunity for you to utilize these interests in service to the Lord, the devotees and as outreach. We hope to bring together groundbreaking programming. And to do that, we will need your help. (Read more below...)

If you are interested to participate in and/or support this project, please contact Sudharma dd at susanwieland@gmail.com, Sudharma Wieland on Facebook, or at 352 278-7727 to text or for WhatsApp.
If you have an interest to work specifically with this show, Vaishnavi Seva and Sanga please contact me directly, Tiffany Cooper at LaMere3@gmail.com or 215 840 5987 on WhatsApp.